Monday evening we held our first ever fund-raising dinner. We planned every moment of the night... the worship, the videos, the speakers, the dinner, and the print materials. What we didn't plan for was the torrential thunderstorm that hit right about the time the event was to start.
After hearing a loud clasp of thunder, I looked outside. Then, I looked at my watch - 6:30pm. Then, I looked around the room... 15 people, tops... in a room ready to accommodate 96. My heart sunk into my stomach and I began to swoon. Selina quickly interrupted my near-panic attack: "We should probably go ahead and pray over the meal."
The last thing I wanted to do was stand in front of 15 people and pray over a meal prepared for 6 times that amount! It was the reverse of Jesus miracle of the 5 Loaves and 2 Fish!! But, I went ahead and prayed and everyone began eating... well, everyone except me... I stood there praying for more people to show.
I found out later, it was at about this time that Greg Surratt leaned over to my wife and said, "This is what church planting is all about!" It was time to earn our stripes...
Over the next 30 minutes more people began to stroll in. By the time the event was to start, we had nearly filled the room. God came through and the night went on.
We opened with worship, Greg said some wonderful things about us, and then I got up and pitched my heart out! Between each element we rolled videos of various things I had starred in during my time at Seacoast. It was all very touching. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves and we received a generous offering to help start The Net.
At the end of the night, Greg gathered everyone around us to pray over our venture. One of our small group members (Tim McLain) was there that night and later described the scene to me in an email like this:
I was up in the [balcony] with [my daughter] Emily when Greg asked everyone to stand around you and pray for you guys.. I wish you could have been up there with me. What an absolutely awesome sight to look down and see a group of believers with so much faith and love for someone and their mission.
Selina and I sat in bed that evening discussing the way things turned out. She asked if I was pleased... I replied, "More than I ever expected." We are right where we need to be and it never has felt so good.