Monday, June 23, 2008

If You Hate Church!

One of the marketing strategies we are developing for The Net is the website: We will use it to survey people in the Chattanooga area who do not attend church. The site is still "under construction", so there's no need to visit it yet. However, we have recently produced 3 short videos that will be a part of it when it is complete.

You can view them on by clicking HERE.


Jim said...

Ryan May - Wow man, I just listened to your message from a couple weeks ago. I was blown away! You did a phenomenal job.

We need to catch up soon man! I know you guys are getting ready for Gannon to get here - and we're in the same boat - our little girl is due on Aug. 6th!

I'm so pumped about the Net! It seems like only yesterday that Melinda and I moved back to Atlanta and I forced you to take over the small group - what great memories!

We need to catch up soon man - sometime after you guys get settled in Chattanooga and the baby gets here. It's great that you'll only be a couple hours from us so we'll have to plan to get together this fall!

Tell Selina hello!


Travis said...

Awesome videos! This church is going to be what a lot of people need.