Tuesday, July 15, 2008


News came out today that Chattanooga has landed a deal with Volkswagen to house its first assembly plant in the United States. According to the Times Free Press its a deal that is expected to create 2,000 new jobs. That's good news for Chattanooga and it's good news for The Net... it means our potential "catch" just widened by 2,000 souls for the Kingdom!

Erich Merkle, vice president of forecasting for IRN Inc., said the new plant will also create jobs outside the plant, as suppliers, hotels, and restaurants rally around it. In his words, "It’s like casting a stone in the pond."

Or... in our case, like casting a Net in a pond! A pond that is continuing to grow!!

For Further Study:

Chattanooga Lands VW Plant

Luke 5:5-7; Luke 10:1-2; Revelation 14:14-16


Anonymous said...

Ryan, how funny. We heard the news here in Chattanooga today and knew you would be thrilled. We can't wait for you all to get here.

Travis said...

I noticed that you have a category named "Blogs I Follow" and another one named "Launch Member Blogs." Does that mean you don't follow launch member blogs? Just kidding. I think you are the only reader of my blog.