Friday, December 5, 2008


Last night, I thought I was dying. A few days ago, I began noticing what appeared to be bug bites all over my body. They were small and a mere nuisance. Then yesterday, my hands began to swell and itch. But, last night is when it came to a head. My arms were itching while I laid in bed. It finally reached a feverish point, so I jumped out of bed and went to the mirror. That's when I noticed that both arms were covered in hives.

I went to our faithful 24-hour Wal-Mart to retrieve some meds - but, I couldn't apply them fast enough. By the time I returned the hives had spread to my back and legs. I was completely covered. I was a modern day Job and began to wonder if there was a discussion going on between God and Satan over just how faithful of a servant I was. While I wasn't ready to curse God, I gotta admit, I wanted to curse everything else!

Thankfully by morning the hives had subsided. Today my skin has been tender, but nothing like it was. I pray tonight I get a good night's sleep.

If this is a test, rest assured, I'm not going anywhere. In 44 days we launch The Net - and I wouldn't miss it for the world.


Travis said...

Sounds like you did get that 7 year itch you mentioned before!!!

lisi said...

what did you do?!! hehehehe
eating too much spicy stuff?!!! cousin!
hoping you don't relive this experience ever!

Anonymous said...

Clearly it was God punishing you for your horrific billboard.
