Saturday, November 22, 2008


This past week I was interviewed by the Chattanooga Times Free Press. The reporter had seen our billboard for and wanted to cover the story. The article turned out well - although, I think the last line kinda makes me sound like Joel Osteen.

Below is a link to the online version of the article, as well as an audio excerpt of the interview:

Click here to read the article.


Anonymous said...

Bro, that is so COOL! Thanks for the updates!

Evangelism Coach said...

This is cool. Will be praying for your launch.


Anonymous said...

Great article! And I know what you REALLY meant about 'nonessentials'. We know you're not down with the sprinklin! haha.

Ashley and Darrell said...

hey cool blog glad we found it. hope everything is going well out there with the new church. we will have to come visit sometime. your son looks so grown. he is adorable. Miss you guys, Ashley & Darrell