Sunday, June 21, 2009

Habitat for Humanity

This past Saturday, 17 brave souls from The Net weathered the heat to raise the walls on a Habitat Home in Chattanooga. The blistering sun made the day long and hard, but each one of our volunteers spoke of how much they enjoyed being a part of the process. The morning crew got the added blessing of meeting the homeowner and her grandson. And I was personally blessed to have the opportunity to pray over the home and it's future inhabitants. You can get their full story by clicking here.

We were also joined by a group from Christ United Methodist Church off East Brainerd Road. It was great to invest in such a worthy cause with another incredible group of believers!

And next weekend, we get to do it all over again - on a new project with 2 other churches for a Homeless Breakfast at Miller Park. Looking forward to hearing a good report from that event, as well.

Thanks to Linda Sneary and her team at Habitat for the opportunity to serve along side you. And thanks to Craig Groeschel and for developing One Prayer. We've enjoyed every minute of it!

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