Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Superman may be fast, but God has him beat any day of the week. I’m continually amazed at how little my efforts produce and how much God’s efforts produce. It seems I work and work for the kingdom, only to find that when I look up for a brief moment, God has made circles around me without my knowing it.

My grandfather used to say, “God can do more in 5 minutes than we can do in a lifetime.” I’m finding that statement to be truer each day we get closer to launching The Net. Just this past week God brought a young couple into our small group who have been praying about moving to Chattanooga. The girl is from that area and wants to move back, closer to family and friends. We did nothing to gain this contact, nothing worthy of saying, “Look how we brought this thing together.” All we can say is, “Thanks for the lead, God!” and continue to ride His coattails as He continues developing HIS agenda for reaching a lost world. If your not looking, you’ll miss Him… He’s THAT fast!

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