Took a moment this morning to say thanks to everyone who calls The Net their home and faithfully serve God along side us. Included is a brief mention of an outreach project some of our ladies were a part of yesterday at a battered women's shelter.
Last Sunday we followed a devil around downtown Chattanooga to capture him performing tricks for the teeming masses of humanity. After stares, threats, and a few good laughs we came away with 6 videos we will be sharing over 6 weeks as we discuss 6 tricks the Devil uses to render God's church ineffective for the Kingdom! (Yes, for those who were counting - that was three 6's... what can I say, the Devil made me do it)
In this first of six videos, we happened upon a fellow-believer, who after being "tricked by the devil" and coerced by him to verbally admit it, walked away saying, "Now, I'm gonna have to go get baptized!" Priceless!
Hope you enjoy it and will tune in for more tricks of the Devil over the coming weeks!
A new series at The Net begins this Sunday entitled 6 Tricks! We're exposing the Devil's tricks against the church. In preparation for the series we dressed up our own resident devil and headed to downtown Chattanooga this past Sunday. Our goal: to capture our devil performing 6 magic tricks on the general public. Apparently, dressing a guy up as a devil on a Sunday afternoon in the bible belt isn't such a hot idea... no matter how close to Halloween!
In the end, though - we got our 6 tricks. Trick #1 will be shown this Sunday, as we discuss what it really means to be a Christian! I'll see you there with horns on... just kidding!
This weekend we continued to explore my backyard experiences from earlier this year... more mistakes exposed... more spiritual principles gleaned... more laughs at my expense! But, alas - I doubt I'm the only one who's failed at something and that was the topic of our talk today.
Below are 2 videos... to double your pleasure this week! Both played as part of our weekend experience. If you'd like to catch the spiritual application pertaining to failed attempts at change in our lives, you're welcome to link over to the entire 30-minute message on,, or by visiting our vimeo page.
And don't miss next Sunday, as we conclude the series with a finished yard!
After spending 8 years traveling North America as a sales and training supervisor in the steel industry and 4 years on staff at one of the most influential churches in America, my wife and I now live in the city where we went on our first date - Chattanooga, Tennessee. This time we have come to start a non-denominational church called The Net. If you're ever in town... you ought to visit!